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Source & Spirit

Source & Spirit

We live in a magnificent universe, filled with wonder and opportunity.  What... 

Red White and Blue

Red White and Blue

I don't know when loving your country became a dirty word.  Loving... 

Why Save the Citizen?

I love that I've known peace most of my life and I know that I grew up around people who were all mostly good. The troublemakers were recognized for what they were. With so much lawlessness and a frank allowance of the bad things that have been happening, I want to say it's okay to say that's not okay. It's healthy to have boundaries. I actually struggeled with that most of my life, saying no to people who did not have good intentions. It's a hard lesson and it does require a bit of crystalization and structure to maintain a hold of your boundaries once you've got them.

To me, allowing someone to do bad things is not love. Love is stopping someone from doing these things before their soul gets too dark to save.

All I'm saying, is be a good citizen. We had that once. We CAN find that again.

If you love something it is worth the fight! Love does not mean giving in everytime! Stand up for yourselves and we can show them we are a Christian nation. Grace always wins. Goodness is strength. The light will always win and I am declaring here and now, I'm on the side of Christ. God be you brothers and sisters.