
Welcome to our store

Each item we offer serves as a beacon of light, a symbol of our collective determination to transcend adversity and embrace the power of transformation.  Welcome to a place dedicated to...

Welcome to our store

Each item we offer serves as a beacon of light, a symbol of our collective determination to transcend adversity and embrace the power of transformation.  Welcome to a place dedicated to...

What are we all about?

I started this brand because I feel like I only recently woke up. I know a lot of people are saying wake up, or woke, or any other varietion of this idea of being "awake" and aware of what is going on. It's kinda of a crazy story actually, and my healing was spearheaded by both homeopathy and ayahuasca, but more on that later.

I grew up here, in America. My dad was in the Navy and my mom was amazing. Not that my life was perfect or even near perfect by any means... it's just that I've come to love and be deeply grateful for everything I've been given in this life, even if it's far from what many would call ideal.

I've always felt close to the land. As a child, I would lay on my belly and hug the side of the hill or mountain and whisper how much I loved our planet. I feel like gardening is deeply bonding to the Earth. So, I love our Earth and planet, and of course I love this land I grew up on, America. Is America perfect? No.

Only Love can change a place or person for the better, not hate or destruction. I feel like loving your country is important, it's the same as loving your home. Does it need to be cleaned and kept up with? Yes, of course. There are many things we need to change and mistakes and failings we have made in the past. However, the ability to look at those mistakes and improve on them is the highest level of evolution and beauty that can be stated.

I believe evolution is at play. Our government is trying to replace the US citizen as we speak. This is the same war they played on the native Americans as well. They are repeating themselves. Let's not make the same mistake twice. I wish to rise and stand tall for the goodness of our nation, to heal collectively, and come together and show the world how strong we are together.

I don't know you, but I love you. Please consider purchasing some of the Save the Citizen products. Let's voice our spirit together.